Pledge your support as we build a live map of fossil fuel impacts in the Great Lakes region!

FracTracker Alliance maps, analyzes, and communicates the risks of oil, gas, and petrochemical development to advance just energy alternatives that protect public health, natural resources, and the climate.

Pledge your support as we build a live map of fossil fuel impacts in the Great Lakes region! image


raised towards $5,000 goal




FracTracker Alliance maps, analyzes, and communicates the risks of oil, gas, and petrochemical development to advance just energy alternatives that protect public health, natural resources, and the climate.

From Data to Real World Impact: Follow FracTracker in the Field

In this special fundraiser, the FracTracker team invites you to follow us in the (virtual) field as we do what we do best—map, analyze, and communicate the risks of oil, gas, and petrochemical development! Please make a donation today and help us to advance just energy alternatives that protect public health, natural resources, and the climate.

Join the FracTracker in the Field Facebook event to receive notifications each time we add a site to the map. We'll update it throughout the day of the expedition, Tuesday, August 31st.

(View the map fullscreen)

Multiple FracTracker teams are out in the field building a virtual map of the fossil fuel infrastructure in the Great Lakes region. We're sharing our findings to build awareness about the plight of this region—and so many other places victimized by this rogue industry. Proceeds will benefit the ongoing work of FracTracker to decarbonize our economy and promote environmental justice.

Thank you for your support! We’re excited to share this journey with you.

We will be posting updates on the expedition on August 31st on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and via email to our mailing list.